08 June, 2013

Our Village Our Future launch next Saturday

The "Our Village Our Future" project will be officially launched by Jason Gordon (Wingecarribee Shire Council General Manager) next Saturday (15 June) at 9:45am at the Village Hall.  Morning Tea will be provided.
This is when the Crop Swap is on at the hall too.

The "Our Village Our Future" project is a test project implemented by the Council for Wingello and Balmoral villages.  The plan is to get community involvement in specific projects the community has selected to improve the life of the villagers.
There have been a number of public meetings and consultation with council to determine priorities and work out where to spend the money that has been set aside for the project.
A direct result of the consultations was the map showing all the street numbers in the village (now on display in the Wingello Village Store). This map has been very helpful for residents, and the various couriers, drivers and tradesmen trying to find people in Wingello.
Be there and be part of the council's positive effort at working with our village.

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