30 December, 2014

Wingello Village News January 2015

The latest Wingello Village News is out on after this busy Wingello November.

New resident of Wingello - a Koala!
New updated Wingello Burgers
Latest Rain Chart
Gas Bottle refilling now available
More Fire Brigade events and news.

11 December, 2014

The Wingello Burger Revealed

Now that's what we call a Burger!
At the Un-named Cafe we take pride in making an excellent hamburger.  Every ingredient has been carefully selected and the result is a healthy meal choice!
Just make sure you are hungry before ordering!

29 November, 2014

Wingello Village News December 2014

The latest Wingello Village News is out on after this busy Wingello November.

Eric survives dangerous crash!
Tough Mudder success.
New council work on Hall and gardens
More Fire Brigade events and news.

A full photo filled post on the Tough Mudder can be found at:

Tough Mudder was huge!

We're men.  Manly Men. Only the toughest survive.
The Tough Mudder has come and gone.  Over 10,000 people have discovered Wingello, gotten wet, muddy and tired, grinned a lot and enjoyed themselves thoroughly.  What more could anyone want?
We visited on the Saturday and took many photos.  This article is a selection to give you a taste of what the day was all about.
Thank you to Simon Badway for all the long days and many hours he has spent in co-ordinating, cajoling, convincing, calling, sighing and persevering.  Amazingly, Simon still had enough energy to compete in the actual Tough Mudder as well.
This event worked out very well for Wingello, despite some fears that so many visitors could bring the village to a stand still. However, the planning ensured that the negative impact on the village was very low.

Honesty in advertising.
As the course was at the end of Nandi road, most cars came down Murrimba Road and then along Nandi Road.  Therefore even at the worst peak times, locals knew all the back ways and could avoid the waiting to get to their homes and be on their way.  The Wingello Rural Fire Brigade did an amazing job of finding parking places for an estimated 2,000 or so vehicles.
Local accommodation was all booked solid and all restaurants and eateries in the area had great custom for the weekend.

Right at the end - the final shock!
The Sally's Corner McDonalds were slammed on Saturday evening as so many of the first day participants thought they would just drop in there on the way home.  The Wingello Store was busy but far more relaxed with a lovely meal for those that were in less of a rush to get home.
The Wingello Rural Fire Brigade entered a team and they successfully completed the course.  Exhausted but successful.
Liam and Eric of the Wingello Village store also entered.  Liam was in fine physical shape and completed the course in a very satisfactory time.
Eric and his friend Tristen, however, had no training or preparation and they walked between each obstacle.  But they successfully completed the course, with a lot of mutual assistance from each other and many of their fellow Mudderers.
Perhaps this was not the best location for a business meeting.

There are no clocks on site and participants are not timed.  The event is NOT a race, just an endurance obstacle course where the aim is to work together and get to the end.  In light of that many teams adopted a variety of uniforms. Some were more practical, with light, sporty type gear, and others less so. Tu-tus were popular for some reason.
Business suits, Egyptian head gear, batman costumes and others certainly added to the fun of the day.
At the end, the best or worst costumes all ended up the same.  Wet, dirty and well worn.

Enjoy this photo journal!  If you see yourself and would like a copy of a photo, just let us know in the comments.
The Wingello Fire Brigade is not scared of flames!

Wingello Rural Fire Brigade - they can do anything!

Lucy - Works at the store, fights fires and more.

Pink was a great choice.  Now Maroon is a much better colour.

Tristen and Eric really needed a shower!

Liam is ready to go around again!

All these pallets of ice were added to the "Arctic Enema" obstacle.

The expressions tell it all.  Cold!

Mud, tube, mud, slide.  Next.

Appropriately named Mud Mile. Each wall of mud had to be crossed.

Everyone needs their fair share of mud.

That obstacle's done!  Success! Next!

Snax on Trax providing great coffee and snacks (and smiles) to spectators.

More protective clothing would have helped for the final shocking stage.

Lifeguards were on duty at all water obstacles.

As were the fire brigade at all fire based obstacles.

Happy to have made it to the end. Slow but successful.

No one can resist the lolly selection at the Wingello Store! Mwahaha.

Just a few cars on the way to the Tough Mudder.

The Fire Brigade called on all members to help!

The right tool for minor modifications to obstacles.

Yep. Tutus are classed as safety gear.

The initial pep talk to get everyone in the correct frame of mind.

Buy this.  Buy that. Survive.

More Tu-tu based safety gear.

Mo Bros from the WIngello Rural Fire Brigade

Walk like an Egyptian.

10 November, 2014

Tough Mudder is coming to Wingello

A beginner Tough Mudder
A Tough Mudder Weekend

15 to 16 November 2014

With thousands of people descending on Wingello in a quest for adventure in the Southern Highlands Tough Mudder, we will be open much longer hours providing our famous great food and coffee.

Opening Hours:
Friday: 7:30am to 9:00pm
Saturday:  7:30am to 9:00pm
Sunday: 7:30am to 2:30pm (or later until customers stop)

What’s on the menu?
Our normal menu during the day, but with the option of a special dinner and dessert on Friday and Saturday:
Friday: A selection of entrees, Roast Beef dinner (served with roast potatoes and vegetables), and moist Carrot Cake for dessert. 
Saturday: A selection of entrees, a choice of Beef Lasagne or Vegetarian Lasagne, with Fruit Salad with ice cream for dessert.

This 3 course Dinner is only $25 a head, with entree being served from 6:30pm.

04 November, 2014

Wingello Village News November 2014

The latest Wingello Village News is out on this start to a busy WIngello November.

1,000s of bike riders and Tough Mudders are coming to town
Markers film has been sent to Sundance Film Festival
Lots of great dinners this month
More Fire Brigade events and news.

13 October, 2014

Wingello Village News October 2014

The latest Wingello Village News is out on this beautiful start to Spring.  The rain was marvellous breaking the relatively dry Winter.

The Tough Mudder is coming to town
Eric's Chef Night Special evenings are going well

Lots of Fire Brigade events and news.

02 September, 2014

Wingello Village News September 2014

The latest Wingello Village News is out on this beautiful start to Spring.  The rain was marvellous breaking the relatively dry Winter.

Rain Statistics - lots of water
Successful filing and running in August
Lots of Fire Brigade events in September
The scientific results for The Best Way to Hold a Burger

and our regular Fire Brigade News

02 August, 2014

Wingello Village News August 2014

Wingello Village News for August 2014 is out.

Highlights for the month:

It's a busy August:
 - Film being shot in Wingello
 - Chef's night special on Friday 15 August.  Book now!
 - Hall AGM on 23 August
 - The Southern Highlands Challenge on Sunday 31 August

and our regular Fire Brigade News

Click Here to join the mailing list.

Brrrr. We have finally hit the cold bits of Winter

Ice clearing is fun
We had snow last night!  It wasn't a lot and it fell down in the midst of rain almost horizontally, but it was SNOW!
Being so cold we all went to the warm shop for some yummy Fish and Chips.  The boys dressed up with long jackets, hats, gloves and boots and walked in - because they could!
The fireplace at the shop was very effective and al our guests last night chose to eat in the back area near the lovely warmth.
This morning the sun was up and the sky was bright and clear. Any open water was frozen which meant the children were able to run around and do some ice breaking.  The trampoline was the most fun.  Use a wooden hammer, smash the ice and jump at the same time. Fun!

Warm Hands are even better

20 July, 2014

Casting Call for extras in a short movie to be filmed in Wingello

Do you know what road on which this photo was taken?
On either the 8th or 15th August Boulevard Films will be shooting a short film in Wingello called "Markers".  More details are on their Kickstarter page, and it looks to be a very interesting and fun project.  For a couple of days the crew will be in Wingello filming in the hall and the shop and surrounding area.
The director, Rhett Wade-Ferrel, was looking for a country town that reminded him of his home town and Wingello had a great small village feel that suited his story.
This is how the director describes the film:
Markers is a short sliver of emotional drama set in an isolated country town in rural NSW called Wingello. The town is so small in fact that there is only one shop, which also acts as the local post office, supply store, coffee shop, gas station and VHS lending library.
Markers is based on a true story that explores the themes of loss, human impermanence, and sentimentality through a modest funeral held in honour of one of the town locals Ron Millington. The story focuses on the singular journey of Ron's fifteen-year-old son Joel as he attempts to arrange a special farewell at the funeral service whereby mourners are asked to step forward and write on his fathers coffin with permanent markers.
The title Markers, aside from its obvious literal meaning, is a cue to the existential theme of human impermanence and our need to leave something behind that can be remembered. It also relates to the idea that traumatic events often leave permanent emotional marks on us. As we all know, death is a dual rite of passage, both for the deceased into the afterlife and those left behind into a new life without them and this becomes the emotional subject matter of the film.
The film is a reflection of my experience of losing my dad with the hope that it can communicate these universal ideas in a way that is heartfelt and sincere. Above all the film hopes to articulate the surreal experience of what it feels like when we lose someone.
Rather than being crammed with melodrama and tear jerker moments, Markers will take a more genuine path to become a carefully crafted cinematic reflection of real life that feels down to earth and poetic.
Here are some photographs I shot in the country town we found to set the film in that are a great reference to the surreal tone of Markers. And yes there is only one shop and it's freezing.
Rhett Wade-Ferrell, Director

The final scene in the film takes place in the hall at a funeral service of a well known local man and requires a number of people to be extras.  If you wish to spend a day being part of a film (Friday 8 August OR Friday 15 August depending on timing of essential cast and crew), why not give it a go?
No money is involved, but lunch will be provided and you will get a copy of the short film when it is completed and you will be part of something unique and fun in Wingello.

What Extras are required?

The film requires approximately 20 background extras to sit in a ‘funeral service’.
Absolutely everyone is welcome. All ages, ethnicity, families, couples will help make the scene authentic.
The role will require you to react to the funeral scene as if it were someone you knew from Wingello who had passed away. It could be a close friend or someone you knew from town. You will also be required to sing a hymn as part of the service along with the rest of the group.
On the day you will be required to come to the shoot in your normal Saturday casual clothes and bring along 2 options of what you might wear to a funeral – 1 option will be a casual option and the other a little more formal.
There is one role in the funeral scene that features a character.
We are looking for a man or woman, approximately in her 50s – 60’s, to lead the hymn Abide With Me as part of the funeral service.
It is not about being the best singer in the world and it is preferred that you hit a couple of bad notes. The singing of the hymn will be accompanied by the piano.
Your wardrobe should be what you would wear to a funeral in Wingello of someone you knew. One casual option and one more formal option would be great.
We will require a pianist to play a very basic version of the hymn Abide With Me. This character will be required more for their musical skill than their acting ability.

You will only be seen in the background and should consider the wardrobe notes above.

If you wish to be an extra, the producer - Carla - requires:
  • A close up Photo
    (like a passport photo but you can smile)
  • A full length Photo
  • Name and contact details
We have Carla's contact details at the shop.

06 July, 2014

Wingello Village News July 2014

Wingello Village News for July 2014 is out.

Highlights for the month:

The Town Water survey results are out
Rainfall chart to June 2014
Chef's night special on Friday 18 July.  Book now!
Fire Brigade News

Click Here to join the mailing list.

20 June, 2014

Another great Chef's night special

Chicken Kiev Balls
We had a great night this evening with our 3rd Chef Night Special.  About 30 dinners were served to a fun group of diners in a warm store on a chilly evening.
Our Gluten intolerant and Vegetarian diners did not miss out with a special menu for them too.
Now Eric is considering what his next special will entail!
The next dinner is on Friday 18 July.
Hearty Rich stew - with seconds!

Sticky Date puddings with caramel sauce and ice cream

Eric, showing us how it is done.

01 June, 2014

Wingello Village News June 2014

Wingello Village News for June 2014 is out.

Highlights for the month:

Local Tradies upgrade the shop
2014 Wingello Forest Endurance Ride (More story and photos)
Chef's night special on Friday 20 June.  Book now!
Fire Brigade News

Click Here to join the mailing list.

2014 Wingello Forest Endurance Ride

It was a great day for young and younger
 Last week was the 2014 Wingello Forest Endurance Ride.  And what a weekend it was!
Perfect sunny weather and another well organised event saw horse floats start arriving on Friday evening with more and more arriving from early Saturday morning.
Last year had around 150 riders and this year had 296! Saturday was dedicated to introductory riders and 135 riders gave it a go. 5km, 10km and 20km rides in the beautiful Wingello Forest resulted in many happy riders. We spoke to young and not so young riders who were telling us how much they enjoyed their experience.
It's a precise job balancing the BBQ.
We were there from dawn on Saturday until late that night, and again on Sunday.  Over that time we supplied over 400 burgers, egg and bacon roll, sandwiches and so on.
Burgers with the most under our spotlights
Congratulations to the organisers for such a well run event!  Enjoy this collection of photos I took over the weekend.
Burger on a plate.  Great for Gluten intolerant people!

The first bacon and egg rolls for the day

One of the first riders out for a practice ride

Ready for business.

Preparing for the morning rush

Little horses need little riders.  And they have to run too.

Vetting.  A game the whole family can play.

Special horses.

Locals waiting for their turn.

The riders start the first 20km ride

Everyone can join in the ride

That's a lot of water for when the horses return

The vetting queue

Preparing the bonfire

Lana enjoying a brief respite

Sunday Morning.  The Vetting area ready for riders to return

Horse riders around the base ready for their ride

The Chief Steward marking off each rider as they start.

The ride is great fun for kids too
See. One size fits all.

The Wingello Store crew enjoying a short break in the action